Meet the Maker: Sami
“I couldn’t imagine how much I’d learn at Knowit”

“I was hired by Knowit in 2017 when I graduated with a Master of Science degree. The company seemed most interesting compared to the others. First I got some smaller projects so they could see how I’d perform. After six months I took part in a project for Digital and Population Data Services Agency (Väestörekisterikeskus) and I’ve been on that road ever since.
I studied Computer in Aalto University and worked as a developer for library services. I didn’t have any coworkers. I did what was asked but I was insecure about my talent. I wondered what people with more experience would’ve thought about my code. Working for Knowit has shown me that I’m good at what I’m doing, and that has given me professional confidence.

Now I work in a team that has eight members from different companies. Others have said that I learn fast. When our software architect changed his position last spring, the team chose me to replace him. I was surprised at first, but I got used to my new role quickly. I have more responsibilities now but me and my team discuss everything and make decisions together. It’s been easy to take big steps in my career because I have people around me who support me.
I work in Digital and Population Data Services Agency’s office, but I meet my Knowit coworkers at Knowits activities. It’s also been interesting to participate in Knowit Academy where other employees tell about technologies they use in different projects.
When I applied for a job in Knowit my recruiters said that promotions are possible if I have the needed skills. But I couldn’t imagine how much I would learn – I thought my job would be to code Java. Now I understand a lot about how big systems work around it.
I’d like to learn more about AWS technologies that are used at my current customer. I like challenges. I wouldn’t enjoy working in a company where I can’t exceed myself.”
Sami works as Knowit’s software architect. He’s working for our customer in Digital and Population Data Services Agency in the multi-vendor team and aims to learn more about AWS cloud services.
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