ISTQB AI Testing by Knowit and Tieturi
Learn different ways of using AI to support testing and how to apply AI to testing tasks and quality management.
There are many similarities between Artificial Intelligence and human intelligence for one simple reason: Artificial Intelligence aims to mimic human intelligence. The term Artificial Intelligence dates back to the 1950s and refers to the objective of building and programming “intelligent” machines capable of imitating human beings.
As AI systems become more human, they become less predictable, and there are unique problems and quality characteristics, which need to be considered when testing such systems.
The ISTQB® AI Testing (CT-AI) certification extends understanding of artificial intelligence and/or deep (machine) learning, most specifically testing AI-based systems and using AI in testing.
Target Audience
The Certified Tester AI Testing certification is aimed at anyone involved in testing AI-based systems and/or AI for testing. This includes people in roles such as testers, test analysts, data analysts, test engineers, test consultants, test managers, user acceptance testers, and software developers. This certification is also appropriate for anyone who wants a basic understanding of testing AI-based systems and/or AI for testing, such as project managers, quality managers, software development managers, business analysts, operations team members, IT directors, and management consultants.
Course Contents
- Introduction to AI
- Quality Characteristics for AI-based systems
- Machine Learning
- ML - Data
- ML - Functional Performance Metrics
- ML - Neural Networks and Testing
- Testing AI-Based Systems - Overview
- Testing AI-Specific Quality Characteristics
- Methods and Techniques for the Testing of AI-Based Systems
- Test Environments for AI-Based Systems
- Using AI for Testing
After the course, you can take the ISTQB AI and Software Testing certification exam. The certification exam is organized separately.
Note! In order to take the exam, you must hold the ISTQB Foundation Certificate in Software Testing.
The detailed syllabus for the ISTQB AI and Software Testing Foundation certification can be downloaded from this page.
Training material
This training is run by an officially accredited trainer from Knowit Solutions Oy using an officially accredited training material. The training material and test are in English. The training course is run in English or in Finnish.
Course days begin at 9.00 and end at 16.30 - 17.00.
Certification exam (290€) is not inluded in the course price.
VAT will be added to the above-mentioned prices.
The course is arranged in collaboration with Tieturi.